Keeping with my COMIC characters, this is The Green Iris. He went under the same procedure as The Blue Iris, but is a bit more updated and shiz. I think he'll end up being his nemesis. I got an idea for one of the bad guys, or a storyline now. Might actually write it down before I get to drawing. Tommorows comic still isn't done. If ANYONE wants to send me in a fan strip please send it to
clane.iphone@gmail.com or
theserver404@gmail.com also, send in some fan art if you want. If you send in the strip tho, it'll be appreicated. I've been having a social life this week (I know, so stupid of me) and have not had much time to do up strips (Hence the shipness of Wednesdays comic) so yes. I'll have to draw something up now. I might do a mini comic. As you can see from Wednesdays comic, I have decided to add them as characters. There is Brown Haired guy (whose name, according to one comic is Stan) and Black haired guy (who, while based on me, is not) I might start adding some story lines to it. Go back to the whole The Server idea. I might in time. I saw 500 days of Summer, as I said yesterday, and it was good.
SPOILER ALERT: The girl he meets at the end, I think, was a bit hotter then Summer. Surprise suprise, her name was Autumn. Summer was a bit of a b*tch tho, saying she did not want a relationship and then gets married. But still good over all.
END SPOILER.Um, so yeah... downloading the newest episode of Glee, should get to that this weekend. Also downloading the rest of Chuck season 2, Greek season 2, and maybe Secret Life of an American Teenager. I'm reading a new manga now. Bleach. I've actually seen a bit on TV back last year, and forgot how awesome it was. It was the only issue 1 at Gametraders (my new store of choice) so I grabbed it. Next I think I'll start Deathnote. A recount of what series I'm reading is
Full Metal Alchemist-Finished issue 1, waiting for 2 and 3 to come in
Dragonball- Finished issue 1,2 and 3, after I finish FMA, I'll order in 4,5 and 6
Bleach- Reading number 1.
I never read Manga's as fast as I can. I like to savour them. They usually only last me a day or 2 tho. After I'm done with Bleach, if FMA isn't in, I think I'll move to a new Dean Koontz book. Got 3 or 4 sitting around that I haven't read.
Enough rambling for tonight, I best get to work on the comic.
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