Wow, a blog where I didn't draw something. Why? Because my blood's all angried up. Why? Because, although they have been along so long, the rumours that Bert and Ernie are gay STILL ANNOYS ME. Really tho, the whole "This character in this show is gay because, etc."
There has been Bert and Ernie, that Teletubbie, EVEN shows with gay characters (mainly anime) have been censored. Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune are a lesbian couple YET they are referred to as "cousins" in English.
NOW, this 'world' we are supposed to live in is supposed to show equality for all people, but if that's true, why when a show shows a character believed to be gay (I.e Purple Teletubbie, Bert and Ernie) does the show draw such controversy. Parents are saying
"Oh, we want our kids to treat everyone equally, but if you turn them into butt-munching, carpet-licking faggots, we will BOYCOTT YOUR F*CKING SHOW!"
Even on animes that are edited for 'westerners' things are changed. Such as the whole Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune being changed to cousins. Man, society is fucked.
Now animes are usually derived from mangas, and anyone whose read a manga will know that the Japanese don't give a flying f-bomb about what's right to us 'westerners'. Take Dragonball issue 1, now this is basically the first few chapters:
Gohan is a boy. He lives alone and has never seen a girl. Along comes Bulma. Gohan has never seen breasts, he sees Bulmas and asks why she has a bum on her chest. Later, he lays on her nether regions, (while she is sleeping, and for reference Gohan is 14 and Bulma is 16) he notices her regions are smooth. He pulls off her underwear and starts screaming that she's lost her balls. She thinks he means Dragonballs. They go out and meet a turtle. He takes them to his master. His master says for his Dragonball, he wants a peak at Bulmas underwear. She flashes him (she doesn't know she's not wearing underwear).
Now, that is from the first 15ish pages. Can you imagine what parents would be like if they saw that (in Australia).
Strayed from the point, my point is, people need to stop looking for reasons to get annoyed at show. A show is a show. If 2 males or females are seen toghether does NOT immediatly mean they are doing the mattress mambo!
So yeah, I'm to strung on caffeine, if I continue I'm scared this will evolve into a blog on G-strings, so now I flee.
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