1,000 points to everyone who has ever used that blog title as a title in one of their blogs. I love internet memes, I think mainly because no one in my family knows what they are. I say somethng like "I can has cheezburgas?" and they're like "What?". Anywho, I know the previous post said I wouldn't be able to get to internet tonight, but I am now at my Aunts, so I'm lucky I backup all comics I draw onto a USB and carry it around with me. She has dial-up tho. Like seriously, I didn't think dial-up existed. It should honestly be out lawed. It's quicker to like, run to the head office of Blogger, and ask them to put it up on the site then it is to upload. Anywho, the hourly comics have come pretty good, alot better then I expected, so I will keep drawing them until I go to sleep tonight, and maybe when I wake up, up until I get home to scan them. I might do one every weekend until they eventually bore me. I also saw District 9 tonight. I liked it. I don't know if it was supposed to have social commentary in it(I vote yes) the start did drag on a bit (some but were in the style of a documentary type thing) but overall enjoyable. The 'prawns' (the derogatory term for the aliens in the movie) reminded me of Bumblebee from the new transformers tho. Just the facial features, but it is definetly worth a watch. Ok kiddies, I am off to eat fresh baked cookies (yes, my Aunt is odd and bakes at midnight. It's the owl genes my family must have)
OH, one more thing, the Server 404/HSFM crossover is AGAIN postponed until next week. Being Fathers Day Cass is going over her Step-Dads(?) house to celebrate. She's leaving early and getting home late. I know, it's annoying any of the people who do actually read this comic daily, but don't fret, I have a 2 day comic coming up on Server 404. Will go on Monday, and a bonus bit on Tuesday. HOPEFULLY the crossover will happen next week. I will most likely draw them up wether she likes them or not. I have all the strips planned out, and one drawn up. Oh, also, I might talk to Cassie tommorow, and we may be creating a new 'comic'. I have a name planned out, called "Pivots" which will be short animated stick figure drawings. Her and I make them alot (well I only got into doing them) but I think it would be a fun thing to do. Either that, or you might be able to find them on Youtube. Not sure of all the details yet. My minds is just swirluing with comics for next week, since I have only 1 spare drawn up. Ok well, that is all.
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