Today Cass and I (she draws HSFM, which has been lacking in updates for 2 weeks now) did a little improv with sock puppets. It will the first appearance of Captain Crocodile (name in work) and Sockie (a sock puppet she made).
It will be called "Crocky and Socky" or some variation of that. It's 6 minutes. I was going to edit it down, but I don't think it would work like that. Hopefully in the future she'll fix her puppet up, we'll have a better background, and maybe script some stuff.
The first time we 'taped' I forgot to push start (taping on laptops webcam) and we were going on for like 10 minutes before I realised. Our second was better tho, so it worked out ok.
At this point in time, Tuesdays S404 will be a promo for the Youtube video+the youtube video. Might do a quick edit of titles and shiz.
I'll probably be doing some alone to, so yeah. So many ideas.
Actually got another sketch idea, which if I can pull off, will be awesome.
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