EDIT-- There will be no comic tommorow also. Comic Wednesday and Friday, or Thursday and Friday. Not sure what days, but there will be 2 updates. Sorry anyone who reads this comic. I just haven't been getting enough hits or people emailing. Again, sorry.
Ok, so, not so much goodbye, as a downgraded schedule. The site is not getting alot of hits, and is oddly eating into alot of my time. I've been doing alot more this past week then I have in a while, so I will only be cranking out 2 comics a week. It'll now be Monday and Friday. I might also downgrade S404X (this site) to only 4 days a week, but I doubt it. I need my daily blog release. If after a month I have been able to get 3 comis a week done, or get 1000 hits, I will upgrade back to Mon/Wed/Fri. Sorry to any readers who come back everyday. If you are someone who reads daily, then tweet me @christopherlane or email at clane.iphone@gmail.com and tell me your thougts on this. I know no one will tho. No one ever has. Enough pity tho, onto a personal blog topic.
The Sweets Shop in Yoville. Now for those who don't know what Yoville is, it's a Facebook/Myspace app that is like a small version of the sims. You have an apartment, which as you up levels, you get added bonus' to it (such as a bathroom, guest hall, guest bathroom, etc.) you buy clothes, furniture, and better houses. As with many Facebook/Myspace apps the company has a different 2 different moneys (sounds wrong, I don't care). There is Yocoins, which is the basic form of currency that you make in game, and Yocash, which is an inflated money you have to buy with real money. Alot of the stuff is also quite expensive. I.e $20 real money for a super luxe house. Not my kind of thing but whatever. Over time Yoville has been slipping. Alot of their new release items (well the good ones) were coming in as Yocash, and a few, smaller items for coin (although sometime you'd find a good item in there) This didn't really annoy me that much. Yocoin came quite easy, and I'm sure the devs of the game needed to bring in money. To make Yocoins there was simple ways;
1. Verse someone in either a game of Scissors, Paper, Rock or Tic Tac Toe and get 10 coins.
2. Visit friends and do actions on them (I.e kiss, fight, dance, send an item, etc.) and earn anywhere from 3 coins-20 coins (You could make 400 coins a day if you were lucky, or worked out a strategy)
3. Work at the widget factory, which was the main source. Basically once every 6 hours, you'd go to the factory, pick between 4 jobs of varying stuff. Some gave you more money and less Yopoints (which increased your level) and some gave more money and less points. 1 job even had a chance of a rare furniture, which was pretty good, and easy. I am awake most of the day, so I'd get 705 coins a day. Not to shabby if I added doing the friends stuff, but now they decided "You know what Facebook doesn't have enough of? Farming games" and BAM, they have changed the job to a bakery. Yoville used to be a quick little game I could play in 10 minute intervals. They (Zynga) already have Farmville, and the sweets shop is the same as that.
First you plow/clean the ovens.
You then plant/place ingredients in the oven
and lastly you harvest/take it out of the oven
This would be fine, if not for the cost.
Now, this is a job YET, you pay for ingredients. Sure, I guess it's ok, you make a profit, and perhaps you own the sweets shop. Now if I owned a Sweets shop tho, it would not cost me $10 (10 coins) to clean each oven. If it was costing me 10 p/oven, I would think about finding a cheaper route. So now while it seems to be a better option, there is only 2 ways to make more then the widget factory. Some you make up to 1000 coins less (I spent some time working out the maths, and for those wondering, with a crew of 10,the cookies makes around 10 more coins a day, and coffee cake 100 coins more). now they've got alot of recipes, ranging from 2 hours up to 3 days. If you don't make it back in time, you better say goodbye to your money, because your cakes burn (where with widgets, you just went on anytime from 6 hours-1000 years, and never lost money) this has already happened once with me, I always put in coffee cake, which is 6 hours to cook, 12 hours to burn. I put it in at 12:30a and knew I would be up by around noon, with plenty of time to 'harvest' except, power was out. Lost 4 ovens full. So while this system is EXTREMELY flawed, I guess I have to get used to it. Doesn't mean I didn't enjoy drawing the building burning down. Perhaps in time Zynga will bring back in the widgets, or allow people to choose (Every single Zynga forum board and blog has comments wanting the widget factory back, funny thing is, they posted a blog about how alot of people like it. Who Zynga, likes it?) OK I have to stop this. I could go on about the flaws of this for ever, but I best end this blog.
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