Saturday, September 19, 2009


Ok, so no doodle today, instead I am going to repost my newest Youtube video. It's gotten alot less views then my last video, so I have to get it out there. Hoping my next proper vlog will do better. On the plus side, my channel has some honours. The 16th most watched Aussie comedian this week, and 100th most watched this month. Pretty good for my first tries. Just some more bloggy things now.

Saw G-Force tonight. Corniest. Movie. Evar! Expecially the ending of it. I get it was supposed to be a kids movie, but I mean, COME ON. I still liked it tho. Guinea pig spies are still alot cooler then most things. Also been watching Chuck. For those who haven't seen it, it's about a nerd guy, who become a spy when he gets a computer in his brain. It's (at this moment) my favourite TV show. I've been watching it ages now, week by week on Fox 8, but; as with most good shows; I can't stand to wait Week by Week, and since Australia always gets show later (the downside to the donw under) there is always alot of shows to catch up on. I just finished watching episode 18, and of course, 19 is not yet downloaded, so I'm left with a cliffhanger. Hoping it will be done by 2am, so I can watch it, and still get to bed to get enough sleep to wake up early. But don't fear, I bought 4 Mothers (the coke brand energy drinks, I tend to buy whatever is on special at the nearest servo. I have no preference, as long as it hypes me up) So anyway, um... Oh yes, I did not get a comic toghether for Monday. I might do a vlog instead, if I get a chance. I have some ideas for comics, but I just haven't been in the drawing mood (hence why I have been asking for guest strips. I guess I shouldn't have asked, since my viewer base is low. I have received 0 submissions. Sad really) So if you want to send some in tho, PLEASE send them to this is my personal account which I check daily.

Some updates on websites I am on also: At the moment I am nearing 80 followers. No big feat. but as I've said before, when I get to 150, I'll try doing something special for the comic. Follow me, but I must tell you, I do tweet alot most days, but others I barely post. The longest I've gone was when I had no internet on my phone and did not tweet for nearing a week or 2. It was really weird, but yes, please follow me. I do reply to all @replies. I am trying to crank out 2 blogs a week. Even if that means one vlog and then a quick vlog. I might cut it back to 6 vlogs a month tho, depending on how much internet speed it goes through (I'm with Bigpond, and I would have to say DO NOT GO THROUGH THEM!. The plans I was on was 'unlimited' which got me 25Gbs of broadband speed, and then after that, it would cut off and switch to dial-up speed. I had to switch up this month, which is 60Gbs, and when you go over, instead of slowing down, it charges you [at an inflated rate] for every Mb over. This plan is $150, so only slight cheaper then the 25gb [$80, so 50 would be $160] and yes, I can't afford that much every month until I get a job [unless I can scam some money of family] so yeah. This is where I am posting all new skits [I have a few in my head, just need to get actors and film] and comic related stuff, for both Server 404 and HSFM. I might do a tape of me drawing a comic sometime when my new camera get's a USB cable. A skit will be up [hopefully] by the end of September, and then maybe once of twice a month, depending on my/actors schedules. If you want to be in a skit tho, email at either my personal email [see above] or A daily picture website, at the moment I have been taking a picture every day. I might get a better webcam (one with 5mp still pictures) to take photos for it, and to tape short vlogs. Oh, and I do pratake in this whole naked Friday thing, so if you don't want to see my lanky body all, unclothed, then don't follow, otherwise, do ;) it's an old name, I know. Had it nearly 4 years I think. This is one of the few socail netowkring sites I add anyone. Not on it much had bebo forever! It was the first social networking site I signed up for, then was Myspace and the Facebook. if you do add me on this, add a message saying "I came from your comic" or something like that. Not sure if I will accept people on it yet, as it's my family only account, might make a Server 404 one when it gets more popular. So yes. Interesting tidbit, Facebook was once my most hated socail networking site. I hated all the apps and crap it had, now it is my favourite because of the apps. Go figure.

Skype: Christopherdlane I am on this whenever I'm on the internet, which is alot. Once I get alot of people added, I might start jumping on my iPhone to talk. Feel free to add me, I will always talk to you :)

Well that's enough of my promoting sites. Please sub my Youtubes, follow my Twitter and Dailybooth, and add the rest.


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