1. I have now joined Daily Booth. It's like a Photo Site thing. I don't know really. Alot of Youtube Celebs have been tweeting them.
It's weird. Most people follow real celebs (John Mayer, Ashton Kutcher, etc.) but I tend to follow Youtube stars (Ray W. J, Shane Dawson, What The Buck) I think since I live on the internet, it's alot more like....ah screw words. But yeah. Find me at www.dailybooth.com/christopherlane My webcam is shit, and some days I might not do one, but if it strikes me too, I will. I might post some comic stuff, like picture of the process.
2. I received my Optimash Prime in the mail today. It's Optimus Prime as a Mr. Potato Head for those who didn't know. I know have all (and by that I mean both) of the Transformers/Potato head toys. I'm a big kid.
3. I went on a big shopping spree today. You know the feeling you get sometime, like you have money, so you buy ANY piece of sh*t you can get your hands on? Yeah, like that. I bought a Disney Adventures magazine for the cool glasses, but I don't regret.
4. Hmm...sure there was something big, oh right HELLO IMYS FANS! I realise there will be a linkie after this, but I thought I'd write out hi on this blog since I will be linked tommorow. Thank-you all for visiting, but please don't go. Bookmark this comic, come back M/W/F. Tweet or email me with ideas to make the comic better (Tweet: @Christopherlane Email: theserver404@gmail.com send all fan art to that email too :)) I will be reading EVERYTHING. If you do like it, and come back daily, why not tell me :) I'll give you a link or something. You guys are the best just for visiting once. So thanks (I'm sure I'll rethank you all tommorow) so yeah.
P.s-- I downloaded Glee (The new TV show) and found it good. Can't wait for each next new episode (number 2 is ready for me to watch now) and see how long it will keep my attention :)
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